CINEMA FOR PEACE AWARDS 2022 +++ 2 Nominations

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CINEMA FOR PEACE AWARDS 2022 +++ 2 Nominations

We are very pleased that two of our current cinema documentaries have been nominated for the CINEMA FOR PEACE AWARDS 2022.

"WHO WE WERE" (director: Marc Bauder) has been nominated for the "international green film award 2022". The film celebrated its world premiere at the BERLINALE 2021 and can be seen on arte on February 8th, 2023.

"BEHIND THE HEADLINES" (director: Daniel Sager) is nominated in the "political film of the year" section. The film won the audience award at the Bozen Film Festival and is also available on DVD.

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we are happy that DEAD MAN WORKING has won the Grimme Preis 2017. Beside the main actors Benjamin Lillie and Wolfram Koch will also win an award the director Marc Bauder, the script writers Dörte Franke and Khyana elBitar and the DoP Börres Weiffenbach.

the Jury says:
„DEAD MAN WORKING“ ist in jeder Hinsicht ein Ausnahmefilm: Er ist politisch in seiner Aussage, psychologisch fein beobachtet, rasant im Rhythmus und visuell radikal. Ein kühner Film, der sich über die üblichen Erzählkonventionen hinwegsetzt, genau hinschaut und zugleich mitreißend erzählt. Ein wichtiger und hochgradig aktueller Film (...)."  



Best European Documentary 2014

MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE by Marc Bauder (DE/AT, bauderfilm) was named Best European Documentary 2014 at the European Film Awards. The more than 3,000 members of the European Film Academy – filmmakers from across Europe – have voted for this year’s European Film Awards. The awards ceremony took place in Riga.

European Film Academy



LICHTGRENZE is "word of the year" in Germany

LICHTGRENZE is "word of the year" declared by the the Society for German Language (GfdS), reflecting the newsmakers that were Germany in 2014. This year, it was the "border of light" that topped the list thanks to the 25th anniversary celebrations in Berlin that saw 15 kilometres of the former East Berlin border lit up with thousands of helium balloons. 

click here for a detailed list of previous words of the year



Cinema release in 6 European Countries

As part of the TIDE Experiment MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE has been released in cinemas in Italy, France, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic and Slowakia. TIDE is a project coordinated by l’ARP in partnership with Europa Distribution & 30 of its European distributors, Under the Milky Way, The Film Agency and 4 sales agents: Urban Distribution International, Wide, Fandango, Goldcrest. TIDE is supported by the MEDIA Programme.


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MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE is nominated for EUROPEAN DOCUMENTARY 2014. The six nominated films will now be submitted to the more than 3,000 European Film Academy Members to elect the winner. The European Documentary 2014 will then be presented at the Ceremony in Riga on Saturday, 13 December – streamed live on  

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